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When God Cried...Celebrating Christmas At The Cross

Baby Jesus cried like any other human baby. Being born brings pain. 

What was His first breath of earthly air like? Were His cries simply from the rush of cold, dusty night air, as His lungs opened for the first time, or were those wailing and whimpering infant cries holding more?

I think they were.

God Himself, as a human baby, cried in the manger. What could the tears of God be for? Cries for Redemption drawing near. Cries for Salvation becoming a reality. 

Tears for the souls of millions of sinners who would be made right, and tears for the millions who would refuse.

Did baby Jesus cry because He knew the cross was His reason for living, and for dying?

The Cry of Jesus was Spiritual Warfare

Wouldn't that be just like God to have a newborn cry, rally all of the heavenly armies to the epic battle of the ages?  With the cry of a little baby, all of heaven shook with wonder and praise, while the demons shuddered.

That is our God, sending Jesus to cry in feeding trough, surrounded by dirty animals. The perfect, spotless Lamb of God, born in a barn-bawling.

God sent the Savior of the world, screaming into the arms of a young, virgin girl and whimpering in the arms of a man who wasn’t His real Dad.

Jesus, born to parents that were young, scared, and obedient to the core.

The Creator of the Universe chose to be taken care of by His own creation.

It was a joyous night. A Silent night.  A holy night.

Joyous because heaven came down to earth!

Silent, because it would take 33 years until God's plan of salvation would be nailed to a cross.

Holy, because those of us who were wandering, would wander no more.

The ravaged, sin sickened soul would search for peace and wholeness in Bethlehem’s manger, and find it at Calvary.

Immanuel. Our God With Us.

Yes, God cried, so we wouldn’t have to.

This year, may we all stand in awe as we celebrate Christmas at the foot of the Cross.

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How To Cast Your Burdens On God

Hope For A Pathetic Prayer Life

Seeing God In The Waiting…When God Seems Silent