Where to Find Soul Rest

When I was a kid my Dad used to suddenly say to us all “Shhh!!! Do you hear that?” And we would all quickly freeze, fall into silence, listening intently, trying to discern what it was that he heard. Then he would smile and say “Quiet, isn’t it?” We would all groan and roll our eyes....but as I look back on it now, it makes me think. How often do I fall into silence to really listen to God? How often do I intentionally stop what I am doing for more than just a moment and listen to God, waiting expectantly for his help? How often do I intentionally pursue soul rest?

Do you need soul rest? This is an unprecedented time in our nations history and in our hearts, too. If you are looking for soul rest, it can only be found in God. Simply Scripture. #faith #blessed #Jesus

“Soul rest” Do those words stir a longing in your heart? Whisper that to yourself, out loud....‘soul rest’..........’soul’.........’rest’. Does it make you thirst for something peaceful and calm, something that satisfies that restlessness in your inmost being?

Psalm 62:1-2 “My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.”

What does the word ‘rest’ really mean? You’re probably thinking...

1. Stop Working

2. Relief from stress

3. Relaxation

4. Sleep


But what does the Bible say this ‘soul rest’ really is?

Strong’s Concordance explains the Hebrew word for rest “damam”, as “to wait in silence” or “to repose” and a “silent expectation of help from God.” Maybe ​this​ is why our souls are restless. We don’t take time to find our rest in ​God alone​. We are busy, driven, distracted, and always looking at our schedule. We don’t have time, yet, how can we not take time for soul rest.

King David valued this so highly that he reminded himself twice in Psalm 62 to find his soul rest in God alone, as he stated again, in verse 5, “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him.”

Then, in Psalm 63:8, he says “My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.”

If we are intentional to seek soul rest, we will be drawn to cling to God. Then the eyes of our heart will be open to see His help, His salvation, and His protection....and when our eyes are open to these things and our hearts are attuned to His voice, we will have hope. Real hope that satisfies our soul.

Be intentional and plan silence before the Lord into your day, every day. Soul rest. Wait quietly with expectation. He is your help and salvation.