How To Feel Secure In A World That's Not

How To Feel Secure In A World That's Not

The world tells us our security is in the temporary. Money, achievement, a house, and family all tell us how we can gain and measure our worth and social status. It is a dark veil that the world puts over our eyes to dictate who we think we are and how good we are at being ourselves. Somehow we traded innocence for the insecurity and our lives are falling apart. How can I find security?

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How To Live A Godly Life In An Ungodly World...Without Judging

How To Live A Godly Life In An Ungodly World...Without Judging

How do we live a godly life in an ungodly world? How do we manage to sort out sinful judgment of others from the Scripture’s command to “know their fruit?” It starts with seeing ourselves clearly and then extending grace to those around us. Living a godly life in an ungodly world takes wisdom.

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Gluten Free Jesus

Gluten Free Jesus

Many people prefer the socially acceptable, trendy, Gluten-free version of Christ.  It's a version of Jesus that looks real, but the fundamentals that give it it's strength and vigor have been replaced to make it more palatable.  What is this type of Jesus look like, you say?   It's one where Jesus gets to be Jesus, but doesn't get to be Lord of your life.  How do I know that I am feasting on the real Jesus?

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What Are You Here For?

What Are You Here For?

Someone desperately needs to hear that there is a God who hears their cries and will come to their rescue. The Gospel is yours to take into a lost and darkened world who is dead in their sins-just as you once were. When you can grasp what privileges you have as a child of God it will change everything!  Your prayers. Your passions. Your gratitude. Your worship! And it can change eternity for someone else. 

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The Power Of Christ In You

The Power Of Christ In You

The prophets LONGED to see Jesus! They diligently searched, sacrificed and served their God, not for themselves but for YOU. They wanted to see the power of Christ IN you-the ability of the Holy Spirit to dwell inside a person forever. Even the angels could not understand the Holy Spirit living inside a sinful human.

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